Join or Renew Membership

Thank you for your interest in the Meadowview Neighborhood Association! While anyone is welcome to attend MNA meetings as a guest, only current MNA members are entitled to cast votes on matters during General Membership meetings, as well as perform any other activities prescribed for General Members in our Bylaws. Membership dues are an important source of funds for the MNA, helping us with our operational expenses, and thus helping us serve our community.

New Members must live within the following geographic boundaries:

  • North: 69th Avenue/Matson Drive

  • East: Laramore Way and Teekay Way

  • South: Southern boundary of Richfield Way, extending to the eastern boundary

  • West: Freeport Boulevard

The boundary of the MNA runs along the centerline of all right-of-ways and projections mentioned above.

Annual Dues for members are $10.00/year, and renewals are due yearly. There are two options for payment:

1. - With Check or Money Order by Mail

2. - Electronically, using PayPal

The PayPal option will include a $0.70 cent processing fee.

Please fill out this form, and we will email you with instructions for next steps. (Scroll down to complete and submit.) After the submitted address is verified and the Annual MNA Membership Fee payment is received, you will receive a Meadowview Neighborhood Association membership confirmation email.